It is Here: Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Top Mobile App Development Vendors - Originally US
It is Here: Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Top Mobile App Development Vendors

Our long-awaited e-book is finally here!

If you have been following our blog for quite some time now, you might have come across an article called Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Top Mobile App Development Studios in Singapore. Now, the e-book mentioned in that article has finally come to fruition!

From our experience, many clients who have come to us did not have a stellar experience with their previous mobile app development vendor choices. In some cases, these clients end up spending more than double the budget as compared to choosing the right vendor from the start. Furthermore, a badly built app wastes time and effort when it needs to be revamped or if a new vendor needs to be brought in. 

While these tangible consequences seem alarming, what many clients don’t see as a result of a bad app are the intangible consequences. Beyond the cost, time and effort, more importantly, these clients often have to deal with the backlash of a badly built app, such as angry customers or internal management and stakeholders. And this consequence is usually the hardest to rectify of all.

We were inspired to write this e-book to help everyone out — Don’t Mess Up! Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Top Mobile App Development Studios In Singapore.

Prior to co-founding Originally US, author Calixto Tay, had previously helped to manage vendors on behalf of the company he was working for. Now, he is the Managing Director of Originally US, a mobile app development vendor, thus he has experienced being on both sides before.

About The Book

In this e-book, Calixto candidly recaps his personal experiences, offering perspectives from both the vendor and the client’s side. He breaks down in detail the reasons why most mobile app development projects fail so that clients can pre-empt themselves and look out for these common pitfalls. Tips and tricks to a successful mobile app project are also shared in the e-book.

For a limited period of time, we are offering readers of our blog and social media pages a free copy of the e-book. Read on to find out how to get the free copy! After May 2021, it will be available for S$49.90.

If you’re interested in knowing more about how to choose a mobile app development vendor, follow us and drop us an email at to get a free copy now!

Additionally, if you’re looking for a trusted mobile app development company to build your app, let us discuss how we can help you! Chat with us on Whatsapp today.